Dr. Gabriella Korosi
Published in
5 min readDec 25, 2020

Marketing and Self- Publishing Experiences — Reflection

Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi

It took me a while to decide that self-publishing would be something that I want to do. When I was writing down the stories of people from multiple viewpoints, having interviews, and creating a book on addiction, I just imagined that when I send this book in for a review to a publishing company that they will love it just the way I do. Well, it did not exactly work out that way. I kept sending in the book to any publishing company that I found that I thought would be interested in a non-fiction book. I continued sending in the book for about one year…



Dr. Gabriella Korosi

"HI" Writer, Author,Publisher,creator of connections, spreading positivity. Health/spirituality/positivity/joy/caring/public health/nursing. Building Community.