InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMantraPoetry by Santayana RoseJun 22, 20245Jun 22, 20245
InPragmatic WisdombyDr. Gabriella KorosiBeing Present in Our LivesBeing in the nowJun 22, 202412Jun 22, 202412
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiThe Flower Of LifeWhen a story finds you …..Feb 5, 202415Feb 5, 202415
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiWhat Does It Mean To Be Human? Exploring Vulnerability.What does humanity mean to you?Oct 19, 202312Oct 19, 202312
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMultiple Interesting Spiritual Experiences in One DaySurprising events in my lifeAug 11, 20225Aug 11, 20225
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiHidden Words Captured Within Mantra SingingPart 1 — Singing with GabriellaFeb 18, 20222Feb 18, 20222
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMessage From A TreeWhat will be your message?Jan 31, 20225Jan 31, 20225
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiSunrise MessagesMagical mornings — poem to the sun and a message to youFeb 2, 20225Feb 2, 20225
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiWhat Do You See?Photo capturesJan 28, 20223Jan 28, 20223
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiBring In The LightMeditation with GabriellaJan 19, 20223Jan 19, 20223
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiHealing Providers: Interview with Adrien BlackwellThe healer that heals your heartJan 17, 20222Jan 17, 20222
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiExpanding Your MindLimitless possibilitiesNov 22, 20212Nov 22, 20212
InWhat Is Love To You?byDr. Gabriella KorosiThe Supreme Feeling of OnenessLove is the core of youNov 22, 20212Nov 22, 20212
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiUnity Creating HarmonyThrive and SurviveJan 6, 20223Jan 6, 20223
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiOpening Your Heart and Letting Your Fears GoImagery Meditation PracticeDec 7, 20217Dec 7, 20217
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiHealing by Honoring Yourself and OthersWhere can the path of love and flow lead you?Dec 4, 20215Dec 4, 20215
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiThe Magic of CaringBeing there for each otherNov 17, 202123Nov 17, 202123
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiCan You Accept Yourself The Way You Are?Humanity in its coreNov 3, 202111Nov 3, 202111
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiCounting The Good Things In Your LifeWhat are you grateful for today?Oct 31, 20213Oct 31, 20213
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiAchieving Absolute StillnessThe art of interconnectednessOct 25, 20214Oct 25, 20214