InCurated NewslettersbyDr. Gabriella KorosiWhat I Stand For Is Caring, Justice, Equity, Inclusivity And Gender Equality For AllFor Transitions In LifeJan 3118Jan 3118
InCurated NewslettersbyDr. Gabriella KorosiHow To Reduce “Unnecessary Noise” In Our LivesMaintaining the Balance of TimeOct 14, 202421Oct 14, 202421
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiAdding Creativity Laced With Kindness, Beauty, and Positivity to The WorldIn response to Dancing Elephants Photography ColumnSep 26, 202421Sep 26, 202421
InPragmatic WisdombyDr. Gabriella KorosiBeing Present in Our LivesBeing in the nowJun 22, 202412Jun 22, 202412
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiYou Are Enough…And Your Writing Is BeautifulKeep WritingJun 21, 202465Jun 21, 202465
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMeeting a Wonderful Artist Ivan McLean in Portland, OregonMagic with one metal piece at a timeJun 15, 202412Jun 15, 202412
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMorning ThoughtsWaking up with gratefulnessSep 22, 202317Sep 22, 202317
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiWalking Down On Memory LaneJoyful Moments Dancing Elephants Press Prompt 52 of 52Sep 25, 202324Sep 25, 202324
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella Korosi🐘CALL TO ACTION 🐘Celebrate Kindness by protecting each other and our environmentOct 2, 202324Oct 2, 202324
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiUniversal Messages Poetry PromptDancing Elephants Press Poetry Round-up and PromptOct 16, 202322Oct 16, 202322
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiWhat Do You Believe In?I believe that the world and the universe is magic and more…Sep 1, 202324Sep 1, 202324
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiThe Ever So Bright LightDancing Elephants Press prompt 48 of 52Aug 28, 202317Aug 28, 202317
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiCourage Can Lead Us In Many Unforeseen DirectionsIn response to DEP’s prompt 47 of 52Aug 27, 20238Aug 27, 20238
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiBooks We Write Together Create a Positive Impact In Our WorldCreating stories together: uniting writers, authors, and PeopleAug 20, 202322Aug 20, 202322
InStepping Toward Health (Dancing Elephants Press Sister Publication)byDr. Gabriella KorosiHealth Tips for Your Body and MindHealthy Moving, Eating, Fasting, and RelaxingJul 11, 202315Jul 11, 202315
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiLoveDancing Elephants Press Prompt Week 40 of 52.Jul 3, 202319Jul 3, 202319
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiTime Away On A Vision Quest — Back To The LandWill be away from Medium for a few weeksApr 19, 202330Apr 19, 202330
InStepping Toward Health (Dancing Elephants Press Sister Publication)byDr. Gabriella KorosiApril Adventures Visiting Beautiful LandsGabriella’s YouTube CollectionMay 11, 20237May 11, 20237
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiReturning From a Vision QuestVeteran Rites Welcome Home JourneyMay 19, 202314May 19, 202314