InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiAre You Ready? Earth Day 2024 April 22nd. I Challenge You….Can You Help Me Make An Impact?What does Earth say to you when you stop and listen?Apr 6, 202420Apr 6, 202420
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiA Joyful Snowy SurpriseThe magic of the snow and speaking up for Mother EarthJan 11, 202419Jan 11, 202419
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiVisiting Cape Disappointment State Park, Ilwaco, WashingtonMagic in natureOct 27, 20238Oct 27, 20238
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiTurkey Creek Nature Trail, Niceville, FloridaA beautiful river and so much more.Nov 2, 202310Nov 2, 202310
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiWatching Turtles Swim and PlayNature MomentsOct 30, 202315Oct 30, 202315
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiThe Delightful World of Mushrooms From Planting to Harvesting and Cooking Delicious MealsThe Magical World of MushroomsSep 28, 202310Sep 28, 202310
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiCelebrations In LifeIn response to DEP’s Prompt 49 of 52 by Dr. Preeti SinghSep 9, 202316Sep 9, 202316
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiEnjoying Parks, Otters, and Restored Habitats in Bend, OregonNature’s giftsSep 13, 202310Sep 13, 202310
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiCan You Stop For One Minute Every Morning?What will be your outcome?Jun 21, 202312Jun 21, 202312
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiWhat Can The Sand Teach Us? Do You Like To Play In The Sand?Sandcastle time — joyful momentsJun 17, 20238Jun 17, 20238
InILLUMINATION Videos and PodcastsbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMay — All About NatureAmazing Lands and ExplorationsJun 8, 20233Jun 8, 20233
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMorning Moments In NatureHear the birds singing in response to prompt 26 of 52Apr 15, 202311Apr 15, 202311
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiSnowy MomentsDeschutes National ForestFeb 6, 20238Feb 6, 20238
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiWinter Photography on the Road From Texas to WashingtonTravel Photos with GabriellaDec 22, 20227Dec 22, 20227
InReciprocalbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMy Love For The WoodsWalk in the woods nature promptNov 18, 20229Nov 18, 20229
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiFall Flowers CollectionPhotography by GabriellaOct 8, 20228Oct 8, 20228
InILLUMINATION Videos and PodcastsbyDr. Gabriella KorosiHealing Practices With NatureSeptember YouTube CollectionSep 27, 20221Sep 27, 20221
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiNature PrevailsPoem for DEP Poetry Prompt #3Sep 21, 20223Sep 21, 20223