InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiCentering Yourself in Love and KindnessMeditation Moments with GabriellaFeb 8, 202312Feb 8, 202312
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiSelf-LoveDancing Elephants Press Prompt 17 of 52Feb 1, 202314Feb 1, 202314
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiHealing by Opening Your Heart and Letting Your Fears GoImagery Meditation PracticeJan 25, 20233Jan 25, 20233
InStepping Toward Health (Dancing Elephants Press Sister Publication)byDr. Gabriella KorosiSmoking Cessation Mindfulness MeditationStopping smoking for your healthJan 16, 20233Jan 16, 20233
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiBreathing Meditation by GabriellaBreathe with me through the light for your healthJan 18, 202311Jan 18, 202311
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMeditation Practices: Inner StrengthDEP book project editor — Meditation promptApr 18, 20225Apr 18, 20225
InILLUMINATION Videos and PodcastsbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMeditation and Mantra Singing You Tube CollectionBring the light into your lifeMar 20, 20227Mar 20, 20227
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiThe Connection Between Life And PositivityDancing Elephants Press Positivity Prompt — Editor Group 1Mar 7, 20228Mar 7, 20228
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiHidden Words Captured Within Mantra SingingPart 1 — Singing with GabriellaFeb 18, 20222Feb 18, 20222
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMessages For The DayPositivity at workJan 24, 20226Jan 24, 20226
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiMeditation MantrasSinging with GabriellaJan 20, 20223Jan 20, 20223
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiLift Your Spirits Up — Bringing Love And Joy Into Your LifeMeditation PracticeNov 6, 20215Nov 6, 20215
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiOpening Your Heart and Letting Your Fears GoImagery Meditation PracticeDec 7, 20217Dec 7, 20217
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiProviding Energy ProtectionMeditation with GabriellaDec 10, 202110Dec 10, 202110
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiCentering Yourself in Unconditional LoveMeditation with GabriellaDec 16, 20213Dec 16, 20213
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiHealing Meditation — Love Energy TransitionMeditation with GabriellaDec 21, 20213Dec 21, 20213
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiUniversal Love MeditationHealth and healing with GabriellaJan 1, 20228Jan 1, 20228
InDancing Elephants PressbyDr. Gabriella KorosiBring In The LightMeditation with GabriellaJan 19, 20223Jan 19, 20223